GASP Guidelines

  1. Please submit your request to the Global Ambassadors Program for a speaker at least two weeks in advance if possible.
  2. Once the speaker has been assigned to you, please contact him/her right away (within the next 2 or 3 days) to confirm the assignment and to advise him/her on the type of group, age, number of the audience, attention span (if very young), extent of their vocabulary, and any special topics that you would like the speaker to emphasize.  Inform him/her of the depth of knowledge that the students have of his country;  that is, whether the presentation will be an introduction to his country or one that is building on a topic that they have already been studying.
  3. Through this informal conversation, you will be able to assess the English skills of the speaker and how they will affect your audience.  Also at this time, you can find out if he/she will need any audio-visual equipment for the presentation.
  4. If the speaker does not have a car, please arrange for a parent or teacher to drive the speaker to and from the school.  If that is not possible, contact the Global Ambassadors Program; we will try to locate a volunteer to transport the speaker.
  5. Prepare the students for the speaker by having them learn the location of the country and a few facts about it.   More importantly, have them prepare questions to ask the speaker.  In most cases, the speaker will speak to the class for about 15 minutes, introduce himself/herself and the country and then students can ask questions.
  6. Alert your principal and school receptionist to the fact that you will be expecting a visiting speaker. Arrange to have a student meet the speaker at the entrance of the school to escort him/her to the classroom. After the presentation, please accompany the speaker out of the building.
  7. Please remain in the classroom while the speaker is presenting to help him/her with any technical difficulties, etc.
  8. The speaker will very much appreciate a thank you note from you or the children.  You can send it to the speaker’s name, Global Ambassadors, Office of International Programs, Laurel Hall, 1024 Campus Delivery, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, 80523.
  9. An evaluation form will be sent to you by email.  We appreciate having it returned with your comments on the usefulness of the visit and please include any negative, as well as positive, comments you may have. This helps us improve the program.

Suggested Topics for Class Discussion with Speaker

  1. Geography: location of the country and some important facts
  2. Language: alphabet, songs, numbers, literature
  3. Home and Family: rural/urban, family structure, dating, marriage customs, extended families, child/parent relationships
  4. Clothing: fashion, styles, customs, costs
  5. Manners and customs: ways of greeting, acceptable behavior at the dinner table, in a meeting, in school, etc
  6. Food: different types of foods, preparation, style of eating
  7. Education: types of schools, behavior in class, educational requirements
  8. Sports: games, teams, sports at school
  9. Entertainment and Leisure Time: music, theater, humor, TV
  10. Holidays: secular and religious celebrations
  11. Religion: dominant beliefs and holidays
  12. Government and Economy: current issues in the country, type of government, flag, currency

Recommended Supply List (if needed)

  • Laptop/computer with a projector
  • Map of the world
  • Whiteboard
  • Any arts and crafts material the presenter may need